Thermal Comfort

Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort is that condition of mind that which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment. Thermal environment is those characteristics of the environment which affects a person's heat loss. In terms of bodily sensations, thermal comfort is a sensation of hot, warm, slightly warmer, neutral, slightly cooler, cool and cold. From the physiological point of view, thermal comfort occurs when there is a thermal equilibrium in the absence of regulatory sweating between the heat exchange between the human body and the environment.

Our thermal comfort defines not only our well-being but our physical and intellectual performance.
There are many factors that effect human thermal comfort, such as air temperature, temperature of surfaces, humidity, and air movement. All of the above may be grouped under "environmental variables". "Personal" variables such as clothing insulation value ["clo" value] and the metabolism rate ["met" value] are also important components when calculation individual thermal comfort.

Factors Influencing Thermal Comfort

Air Temperature
Relative Humidity
Air Velocity
Radiation (Mean Radiant Temperature)
Metabolic Rate
Clothing Insulation

Comfort Zones 

The comfort zones are intended to provide acceptable thermal environment for occupants wearing typical indoor clothing and at a near sedentary activity. Acceptable thermal environment is an environment which at least 80% of the occupants would find thermally acceptable.